Publication: The role of group velocity delay in Faraday rotation in a multilayer polymer lattice

Michael Crescimanno, Guilin Mao, James H. Andrews, Kenneth D. Singer, Eric Baer, Anne Hiltner, Hyunmin Song, Kyle Comeau, Bijayandra Shakya, Aaron Bishop, and Ryan Livingston, “The role of group velocity delay in Faraday rotation in a multilayer polymer lattice,” accepted to appear in the Journal of the Optical Society of America B (2012).

Publication: The Local Field Factor and Microscopic Cascading: A Self-Consistent Method Applied to Confined Systems of Molecules

Nathan J. Dawson and James H. Andrews, “The Local Field Factor and Microscopic Cascading: A Self-Consistent Method Applied to Confined Systems of Molecules,” to appear in the Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 45, 035401(7pp) (2012).

Publication: Co-extruded mechanically tunable multilayer elastomer laser

Guilin Mao, James H. Andrews, Michael Crescimanno,  K. Singer, E. Baer, A. Hiltner, H. Song, Bijayandra Shakya, “Co-extruded mechanically tunable multilayer elastomer laser,” Optical Materials Express 1(1), 108–114 (2011).